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→I'm a virgin, disabled and would like to visit an escort
Make sure the escort you choose has good reviews on UKPunting, do try and ignore the feedback from AdultWork. Do not worry about your looks, body or the size of your cock. The prostitute's job is to have sex with strangers for money regardless of their looks, etc. They are also very used to all kinds of male personalities; from the alpha males to the chronically shy. They have seen it all so you will be OK. [https://www.puntingwiki.com/wiki/Punting_Myths#Newbie_Punters_Should_See_a_Mature_Escort_First See Also:Should she be mature? ] [https://www.ukpunting.com/index.php?topic=122530.0 Thread on the topic]
===I'm a virgin, disabled and would like to visit an escort===
By all means read UKP forums and this wiki to get as much information as possible. If you still have some questions do post them on the forum.