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76 bytes removed, 20:34, 24 October 2023
*'''WE:''' Well Endowed. The man has a large penis.
<div id="WG"></div>
*'''WG:''' Working Girl - A euphemistic An alternate term for a prostitutean escort.
<div id="White Knight"></div>
*'''White Knight:''' Popular internet slang for a forum member that rushes to a defend a prostitute an escort after she has been poorly reviewed. He might not have seen her or could be a [[#Pimp|pimp]].
<div id="Winston"></div>
* '''Winston:''' Popular phrase on UKP when referring to a Black [[#Pimp|Pimp]]. ''"I heard coughing and loud rasta music playing in Kara's living room. Must be Winston"''.
<div id="Wipes"></div>
*'''Wipes:''' Or strictly speaking Baby Wipes are used for quickly cleaning just about everything from armpits to crotches to dusty furniture, etc. Although wipes are very useful for a quick clean they are sometimes associated derogatorily with prostitutes escorts who are somewhat slack with their hygiene.<div id="WowWSWS"></div> *'''WowWSWS:''' This word often appear on brief [[#FR|reviews]] often followed by an exclamation markWill she Won't she. Said to be a way of spotting Mostly in massage places, it means the questions if the report is fake she will give some sexual service or written by someone with a vested interestnot.
<div id="WYP"></div>
*'''WYP:''' What's Your Price - Sugar Daddy dating website.

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