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→How much should I expect to pay?
You will find that [[Average regional prices|escorts’ charges]] are a perennial favourite topic in UKPunting forums, and understandably so.
There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to pricing. How prostitutes will escorts set their prices will depend on many factors. The average rate in the area she operates, how much she thinks she can get until her prices become too expensive that she no longer gets bookings, how popular/unpopular she is, what is the competition charging. Ultimately she will decide what she wants to charge.
Depending on where in the UK you are located prices will vary from £60 £100 an hour to £150/£200 or more. This is for ordinary prostitutesescorts. Those who consider themselves [[Glossary#Courtesan|Courtesans]] or "high class escorts" will charge a lot more as will the so called “porn stars”.
Prices will increase for those prostitutes working for agencies as the agencies will take their cut which will be added to the prices charged to the punters.
The range of prices in London is even greater. For example straight sex (with no extras) in a [[London Walkups| Soho Walk up]] will cost you £20£30, (please note Soho walk ups are not recommended for newbies) and if you go to upmarket areas or see independent prostitutes in Mayfair or agencies well the sky is the limit.
Parlours or strictly speaking brothels like [[House of Divine | House of Divine]] will have standard charges such as £70 for half an hour to £130 for an hour.