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1 byte added, 13:25, 27 August 2022
<div id="MF"></div>
*'''MF:''' Male Female - refers to a [[Glossary #Duo|duo]], involving a male and female couple.
<div id="MFF"></div>
*'''MFF:''' Male Female Female- refers to a meeting with a man and two women. One or both may be escorts.
<div id="MMF"></div>
*'''MFF:''' Male Female Female- refers to a meeting with a man and two women. One or both may be escorts.<div id="MMF"></div>*'''MMF:''' Male, Male, Female - Refers to a threesome with two males and 1 female. The female is usually an escort.
<div id="MILF"></div>
*'''MILF:''' Mother I'd Like to Fuck - Mothers, whether attached or unattached, that a man sees as physically attractive enough to want to have sex with them. This has recently become a catch-all term for mature women.

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