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Punting Introduction

169 bytes added, 11:31, 6 June 2022
How to ask for recommendations on UKP
===How to ask for recommendations on UKP===
Read some reviews before you ask for a recommendation, and provide detailabout what you want. The more detail you give the better people can help you. One line posts asking recommendation will not get you very far on UKP. That is because:* Every review already posted on UKP is a recommendation. If you are too lazy to read, it seems fair that they other posters are not inclined to help.
* Other guys tastes (and restrictions) really are different to yours. Specify what you want.
* Thus to get any new information, you need to be (1) specific on why the recent reviews were not enough and (2) very specific on what you want. Why believe the next poster if you ignore the 100 that already posted this month?
Before you start asking questions on [ UKPunting] it is advisable to invest some time in reading through the forums relevant to your area, and this wiki. UKPunting is split into '''Discussion''' and '''Reviews''' boards by regions of the UK. Hopefully this wiki and the forums will contain most of the answers to your questions already. However if you have new, more specific questions, start a thread in the relevant REGIONAL section of [ UKPunting]. In particular, if you are in an area with detail included here (London, SE, EMids, NE, Y+tH) be sure to look over the links and lists on this Wiki '''before''' you ask for new recommendations.
If you have your eye on any escorts in particular, post their AdultWork links as it will help other UKP members get an idea of the sort of women that interest you (after you have searched for comments about her on UKP). If you have never used AdultWork before, don't worry; there is a useful [ '''Guide to AdultWork'''] thread on UKPunting. Despite its shortcomings, AdultWork is the best method for finding prostitutesescorts.
If you have reviewed the information on this Wiki and that on the threads on UKP and are still not sure which escort to see and want to ask for a personal recommendation, the best thing to do is start a new thread in UKPunting asking for advice and listing your requirements:
* '''Budget:''' state how much you can afford to pay and for how long (e.g. an hour, half an hour?)
* '''Area:''' where are you based? How far are you prepared to travel?
* '''Example''' of an escort that you considered. This is helpful even if she is not working. An example helps bring to mind similar escorts.
Note it is best practice to ask for recommendations on the '''regional''' discussion boards, unless you have a '''very''' hard to find requirement and you really are willing to go anywhere.

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