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Once you complete the form, your requirements will be published on AdultWork Reverse Bookings and can be reviewed by service providers. If they choose to do so here is where they will bid for your RB. The prostitutes escorts may match the price you specified or may offer a lower price for a better chance to win the bid. In odd occasions and for some stupid reason there will be some prostitutes who will Equally, they may offer a higher price.
You will be notified via email when someone places a bid on your reverse booking you can then can accept a bid and convert it into a normal booking request.
A very important thing to remember is that if you like more than one bid, do not select any of them as accepted, as the Reverse Booking will be closed and you will not be able to see contact details of the other bidders. Instead contact them via AW email outside the Reverse Booking system, that way you can arrange a meeting with the reverse booking bidders. Note after you accept the RB, you can cancel this acceptance. Then the original RB appears again, and you can get further bids. But the original acceptance has still been converted in to a booking. This can be useful to come across more escorts that you had not noticed before. There is a risk the successful bidder notices it is open again and is confused. Also be careful with sending a message to any escort that they are second choice. Best to say your plans have changed and can you have the same arrangement in a few weeks.
==Success Rates==