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Main Page

105 bytes added, 23:17, 23 July 2019
a bit more clean up
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><big>'''Welcome to PuntingWiki, the free encyclopedia for paid sex in the UK. In partnership with [[UK Punting]], this site is here to support the punter.'''</big></div>
There are '''598''' pages of content to help you have a good punt.
== Featured Pages==
! style="background: #ccf;" | Advanced Punting
! style="background: #ccf;" |Data
! style="background: #ccf;" |UKP links
| [[Punting Myths]]
| [[Glossary]]
| [[Useful Threads on UKP]]
| [[Guide to Writing Reviews]]
| [[Average Regional Pricing]]
| [[Bareback]]
| [[Guide to Editing Punting Wiki]]
| [[Technical Guides]]
| [[Sex Parties]]
| [[Punting Abroad]]
| [[Punters Guide to Escorting]]
* [[Bareback]]
* [[Buying Adult Content Online]]
* [[Guide To Feedback Rebuttals]]
* [[Prostitute Blacklist]]
* [[Prostitute Tactics to Make You Cum Faster]]
* [[Punters Guide to Escorting]]
* [[Punting Abroad]]
* [[Questions not to ask on UK Punting]]
* [[Reverse Booking on AdultWork]]
* [[SeekingArrangements]]
* [[Sex Parties]]
* [[UK Pornstars on AdultWork]]
* [[UK Punting]]* [[Useful Threads on UKP]]
== Regional Pages==

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