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Punting Introduction

44 bytes removed, 22:51, 15 November 2023
How much should I expect to pay?
You will soon realise that in reality there is no such thing as a fair rate. It mostly depends on what rates punters are prepared to pay and how much prostitutes think they can get away with.
One fact that you must be aware though is that there often isn't any relationship between cost and quality. There are many documented escorts charging £80 £100 an hour and giving excellent service while more expensive ones charging twice or three times more and offering a mediocre service.
Lastly be aware that quite a lot of prostitutes escorts like to offer some services as an extra. For example [[Glossary#OWO|OWO]] might be included in their hourly rate but [[Glossary#CIM|CIM]] will cost you extra. The same goes for anal sex, very few prostitutes escorts offer anal sex inclusive in their basic rate it often is offered as an extra.
===Booking hotels for outcalls===

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