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Fkk and Saunaclubs

2,731 bytes added, 20:15, 3 April 2024
Catering & Drinks
===Catering & Drinks===
As you can stay in the clubs all day, there will be some sort of food, usually a breakfast buffet from early afternoon, and a selection of main meals at around 6pm, clubs do differ on quality of food, obviously they aren't michelin starred, but good enough, as we're there for the ladies primarily. At all clubs soft drinks and coffee is free, some of the clubs provide free beer too, but others like Artemis & Palace charge for alcohol, you may even buy expensive bottles of spirits and champagne in the clubs, up to you, you might think you're big pimping, but the girls will still go to a room with you with or without buying a €500 bottle of Cristal.
===Norms at Sharks===
This was written about Sharks, but is broadly true at many FKK
'When you arrive at reception you will be given a robe and slippers. You are expected to wear the robe whilst in the club (not in the pool!!) and almost all of the men are naked underneath. Some choose to wear pants but that is generally frowned upon.
You must be naked in the sauna and most men are also naked in the pool. You will very quickly get used to it and anyway everybody is looking at the naked girls, not you!
You can take in reading material, but Sharks does not permit the usage of phones anywhere in the club.
There is actually plenty to occupy your time between sessions. Being in my 70s, I need over 4 hours to recuperate and am happy to fill the time with ogling the girls, visiting the sauna, wondering around the club, looking at porn in the kino or the main lounge, chatting to other guests and having food...there is plenty available... and generically lazing about.
The girls are naked all of the time, though most choose to have a slip of something sexy to add to their attraction, as they see it. For example some very short shorts which are cut to show their pussy or a thread of gossamer around their waste. If you sit on one of the couches, sit by the armrest so the girl approaching you is obliged to sit on the arm, leaning over you, thereby giving a great view of her tits.
The exception to the naked rule is every Tuesday when it is lingerie day, though, as the evening wears on many girls choose to go topless in the hope of attracting customers.
A couple of fundamental rules which have been mentioned many times in other threads:
-Do NOT, repeat NOT go with the the first girl who approaches you. Look around, wait at least 30 minutes so you get to see girls who have come back from the room. You will be approached constantly, but a simple excuse like "I've only just arrived am am resting from the journey...maybe later" delivered with a smile, will keep you well protected for a while.
-Do NOT say it is your first time there....that will automatically add at least 50% to your price.
-Do not go with the first duo that present themselves, no matter how alluring the promises. The girls who hunt in pairs are largely rip off merchants. If you want to try a threesome, the best way is to find a girl you like the look of, go to the room with her, have a good time, enquire if she does threesomes and, if so, with whom, take a break and then go and fined her again and ask her to find a girl to go with you both.
Have a great time. Sharks is an amazing experience, especially the first visit and, if you are lucky, will leave you with some abiding memories.'
==List of Clubs by Region==
===Berlin & Eastern Germany===

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