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Guide to Writing Reviews

3 bytes removed, 19:31, 20 September 2022
# Comment on the WG's management of time. In particular; did the session start promptly, how long did you spend with her, how much of this was "action," did you have her undivided attention for the session, and how did she indicate the end of your time?
#Aim for balance and include aspects that could either deter or attract other punters. Be aware that OWO (among others) is key services for many punters and comment whether services were provided as advertised (or confirmed). Likewise, comment if the SP is discernibly a smoker or on any marked variations from the physical impression in the profile (age and size).
# Review rather than advertise. Write a review in order to allow other punters to make an informed choice about whether they want to visit the WG, rather than in order to “promote” the girl because you think “she deserves it”. This is the most common mistake and there is nothing worse than a punter who assumes the role of a prostitute’s an escort’s forum pimp. You are free to post your own review for your own experience. Do not reference other reviewers reviews to ''defend'' your position or post a review to [[White Knight|white knight]] an escort.[;topicseen#msg485397 (example)]. Note the following forum rule. "No touting or advertising. You must disclose any link you have that may be seen as bias, even if you're just a past customer. Sharing info must be for the benefit of other punters and not to promote the business of others. Reviews that read like a marketing-written advert rather than genuine recommendation will be removed."
# Do not blame other reviewers for misleading you about a punt due to their previous positive feedback about the girl. It is best practice not to refer to previous reviews at all. If you have reason to believe that the feedback they had given was fake, this is best discussed on their review. Have the following analogy in mind: Visiting an escort is like being a tourist visiting a certain place - a review is like taking one picture of the location. The usefulness of that picture (to others who consider visiting the same place) depends on the quality of the picture but, it is still one picture taken at a particular date and time. If something changes, it is not the fault of the previous reviewers. Many escorts have both positive and negative reviews - it does not mean one is right and one is wrong. If you are seeking guarantees in punting, then punting is not for you.
# It can be helpful to point out areas of distinctive or outstanding service from a WG for readers whose tastes may be similar to your own. Particularly point out "nice surprises".

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