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Latest revision as of 20:13, 15 February 2016

Please note, Adultwork has removed the Clients Notes facility that used to be available to service providers. The following is a notice posted by AW:

Update: Public comments and experience disabled 10 March 2015
Regrettably, too many members have failed to get the point of Client Notes and have been telling clients that they were marked as a timewaster or that they had negative comments. Others have been using Client Notes to be malicious towards clients or for personal vendettas.
Client Notes was developed to help service providers remain safe. Evidently the long term benefits this system provided have not been realised or valued by the very people it was designed to protect.
Accordingly, public comments and 'experience scores' now reflect only the information you have provided and not that of the membership as a whole, as was previously the case.

Adultwork Client Notes

The topic of Client notes keeps resurfacing all the time. For those who are unaware about what client notes please have a look at this page here. You will see that there is a button of “More Information” but to get access to it you need to be a fully verified escort member as well as such a member for more than a month.

Courtesy of a WG we reveal below the hidden text of the “More Information” section:

Client Notes
Client Notes allows you to record private and public comments about other AdultWork.com Members. Any public comments you make will be visible to other AdultWork.com Service Providers. The system is intended to allow service providers to share intelligence about good or bad clients in addition to the established feedback and ratings system.

Never tell clients you don't want to talk to them or see them because of Client Notes.

Hover window keeps closing? Whenever you click, move your mouse to keep it open. You can also set whether your experience with a particular member was positive or whether you feel the member is a timewaster or potentially dangerous. This "experience score" is also shared with service providers.

In various places you will see a "Notes" link. By hovering your mouse over the link you will be able to see your private notes and the public comments made by other members. If you have made your own comments about a particular member the link will have a solid underline, otherwise it will have a dotted underline. The colour of the link is based on the overall experience recorded by yourself and other members. Further insight should always be sought by viewing the "experience score" in the hover-over or Edit Window. A green link indicates that the client has more positive experiences than any other. An orange link means that more service providers scored this member as a timewaster than anything else. A red link means that of all the experiences recorded, most of them indicated the client was potentially dangerous. If the link is the normal colour it means that no one has set any previous experience for this member.

You will see the previous experience provided by other members aggregated as a 3 number score, for example 9 2 1. This means 9 people have had a positive experience, 2 believe the member to be a timewaster and that 1 believes the client to be potentially dangerous. Your experience is excluded from these numbers.

If you wish you can register the telephone numbers you have for a member. This facilitates a telephone number search where members can access Client Notes by entering a prospective client's telephone number. Client telephone numbers will never be shown on the Site either in whole or in part.

For the protection offered by this system to work, its existence needs to be kept under wraps. If clients become aware that it exists they will simply re-register and appear as new members with no information. (At this time there is no tracking of notes across aliases.) Please do not talk about it with your clients or in forums, message boards or on Twitter.

To help ensure any public comments and scores are legitimate, the Client Notes system is restricted to verified members that are configured as offering escort services and have been members of AdultWork.com for at least one month. This may of course change if misuse is encountered. If someone doesn't have access to it, do not discuss it with them.

Your private notes are only viewable by yourself. Your nickname is never shown with your experience score and public comments. Client Notes can only set against or accessed for active members with a verified email address.

If you have been the subject of abuse and wish to do something about it, contact your local law enforcement. Members in the UK should also visit this site: http://www.uknswp.org/ and locate any support projects in your area.

As explained on this page, any comments or scores you see are those of other members. Nothing should be taken as advice, instruction or otherwise and is not warranted or endorsed by the Site.

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