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Massage parlours in the North East are not brothels as the police have never tolerated this and regularly close premises where full sexual services are obviously on offer.

  • Massage Parlours

These provide legitimate massage but some masseurs may offer the option of a happy ending, with hand or oral relief, or other extras such as topless massage or body to body massage. These may be provided with or without the knowledge of the owners or other staff - bear this in mind when booking and do not ask for sexual services. The best time and place to ask is during the massage. Some are listed in the reviews below but the best place to find information is this very lengthy thread which is regularly updated and gives tips on which masseur's are more likely to offer extras:

Because they do not contravene the brothel laws as long as they operate alone, independent masseurs can often offer extras and those which commonly do so and have been reviewed are listed below. Most of these advertise in places like Gumtree but some are found on Adultwork and offer erotic massage but without full escort services.

  • Escorts who offer Massage

Escorts who just offer massage to fill or kill time and those who use 'massage' advertising as a front for escort services are not listed here, but are in the independent escort section. Escorts who specialise in services like Nuru Massage, FBSM, naturist or tantric massage which can also include full escort services are listed here but clearly labelled as escorts.

Massage Listings

Name Website Telephone Email Type
Alexis - Bedazzled45 AdultWork Masseur
Cherry Thai Massage Gumtree . Masseur
Ellie of Morpeth Gumtree . . Masseur
Jasmine Kisses AdultWork Escort
Lavenders Massage 0191 232 4766 . Parlour
Livit Ashington Website 01670 810504 Parlour
Lucy Lane devlishdesire.co.uk 07510 126 706 lucy@devlishdesire.co.uk Escort
Secret Massage Parlour
Sarah Thai Massage Gumtree Masseur
Sheng Long Massage Gumtree . Masseur
Thai Massage (Sunderland) Gumtree 0778 7279566 . Masseur

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