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Reverse Booking on AdultWork

361 bytes added, 27 February
Success Rates
==What is a Reverse Booking==
In a nutshell, Escorts book you on Adultwork. Although quite a lot of many punters will never book a prostitute via Adultwork by phone (if she has a telephone number is displayed), some punters prefer to use the AW email and then AW booking system. Using the booking system is simple, once a punter has registered with Adultwork, he will look at the profiles of service providers and then contact those he is interested in to arrange a meeting.
Because Adultwork can be a bit of a hit and miss affair, some punters use the site's Reverse Booking facility.
When you set up a reverse booking, as a client you can specify details of the type of prostitute escort you are interested in and what type of session you would like to have. Service providers (i.e. prostitutes) Escorts will review the huge list of reverse bookings and place bids if they would like to undertake the booking or session with a client based on his requirements. They book you.
The rationale from AdultWork is that the fact that Because you have decided to spend some money in advance , it means that you are more serious about meeting someone and not a timewastertime-waster. AW also states that Also if business is slow for service providers there will be a number of them bidding for your business and probably reducing their prices to win the bid. Even the best escorts have slow weeks - some of the top rated escorts on UKP have bid on RBs.
First log in to Adultwork (or register your details if you haven't got a profile). Also before you set up a reverse booking you must make sure that you have enough credits in your account, if not you must purchase some. At the time of writing a reverse booking costs 2 3.57 credits (i.e. £2£3.57).
Once logged in select create a reverse booking following the menu links Emails & Bookings => Reverse Bookings => Escort Bookings => Create a Reverse Booking, a booking form will pop up where you enter the information needed to set up your reverse booking; for example:
| Post Code: || first part only, e.g. MA60
| Comments:     ||
The comments are most important. In effect this is your AW profile. Make sure the comments are clear about what your are looking for, but also are enticing enough to attract bids. Once you complete the form, your requirements will be published on AdultWork Reverse Bookings and can be reviewed by service providers. If they choose to do so here is where they will bid for your RB. The prostitutes escorts may match the price you specified or may offer a lower price for a better chance to win the bid. In odd occasions and for some stupid reason there will be some prostitutes who will Equally, they may offer a higher price.
You will be notified via email when someone places a bid on your reverse booking you . You can then can accept a bid and convert it is converted into a normal booking request.
A very important thing to remember is that Note if you like more than one bid, do not select any of them as acceptedonce you accept, as the Reverse Booking will be closed and you will not be able to see contact details of the other bidders. Instead contact them via AW email outside the Reverse Booking system, that . That way you can arrange a normal meeting with the reverse booking bidders(probably at the RB rate). Also, after you accept the RB, you '''can cancel this acceptance''' and this does not cancel the booking. Then the original RB appears again, and you can get further bids. Because the original acceptance has still been converted in to a normal booking. This can be useful to come across more escorts that you had not noticed before. There is a risk the successful bidder notices it is open again and is confused. Also be careful with sending a message to any escort that they are second choice. Best to say your plans have changed and can you have the same arrangement in a few weeks.
==Success Rates==
Opinions vary as to how successful Reverse Bookings are. The worst case scenario is wasting £2£3.50; the best case is seeing a great escort at a massively reduced rate. RBs are particularly helpful for specialist services or longer bookings. They also may attract escorts from outside your area, particularly for outcalls.
* Be polite and write your RB clearly.
* Don’t write a Mills & Boon or porn fantasy, state clearly and precisely what you want.
* Do name and shame on UKP the profile(s) of the non-genuine prostitutes escorts or scammers who are bidding on your RB.* If you do like a prostitute an escort that is bidding on your RB, do search UKP or ask other punters about her just to make sure she is legit and provides a good service. ==Known Reverse Booking Scammers==*[ Amanda Naughty - Polish girl in SW London]*[ xX+JORDAN+20+Xx (reported to wiki editor via PM)]
==Relevant Discussion Threads on UKPunting==
* [ Reverse booking attracted a nutter ]
* [ My First Reverse Booking]
* [ Reverse Booking - is it worth it?]
* [ Reverse booking experience]
* [ Reverse Booking Dilemma]
* [ Help required for reverse booking]
* [ Reverse Booking Etiquette]
* [ Advice on Reverse Booking]
* [ Targeting a WG with a Reverse Booking]
* [ Good posts and advice on AdultWork Reverse Bookings]* [ Tips for reverse bookings]July 2014
* [ Success with AdultWork reverse booking] Feb 17
* [ More tips] May 17
* [ AdultWork Reverse Bookings] Nov 2017
* [ AW Reverse Bookings - getting any luck?] Dec 2021
* [ Reverse bookings] Feb 2024
==External Links==
* [ Snapshot of AW's Reverse Booking form]
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